We will be entering the month of Ramadan, which Muslims all around the world look forward to every year. It is the time to heal the soul from the effects of sins—a whole year of constantly battling with one's desires to do what is right. It is also meant to distance oneself from the love of the world and indulge your soul and mind in connecting with Allah. So, each person has to sit down and ask himself: What are we doing to prepare for this blessed month? How do we ensure that we make this Ramadan successful? Here are some tips to follow in Ramadan:
Time Management:
We need to start planning for Ramadan as soon as possible. The old maxim holds: “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. It is a sad reality that the month of Ramadan has changed from a month of worship to a month of sleeping, filling our stomachs, staying up late with friends, and not developing a connection with Allah. As the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم states, “May his nose be rubbed in the dust, a man for whom Ramadan comes and goes before he is forgiven” (Al-Tirmidhi 3545). This is the month in which Allah saves people from Hellfire; we need to know how to treat Ramadan with the respect and acknowledgment it deserves. We have to make sure to make the most of this Ramadan and change for the better. This starts with prioritizing this blessed month over everything else. Plan your month from now. What will a typical day look like? How will you manage work, school, family, and other commitments? Make a goal this Ramadan, such as learning the Qur’an, memorizing new chapters, or understanding the verses of the Qur’an by navigating through the exegeses. Set yourself goals and stick to them. Make every minute of Ramadan beneficial before it passes, like how Ibn Atā’illah al-Iskandar mentions very beautifully: “That part of your life that has gone by is irreplaceable, and that which has arrived is priceless” (Ibn Atā’illah al-Iskandar 127).
Changing Bad Habits:
Ramadan is a month that Allah has facilitated for His servants to overcome their desires, evil habits, and the whispers from the devil. In the famous hadith, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم describes what occurs when Ramadan commences: “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are fettered” (Sunan an-Nasa'i 2098). In this hadith, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم is informing us that the devil is immobilized, the doors of mercy are opened, and the means of salvation are attainable. Allah is bestowing upon us Ramadan as a tool to break away from bad habits. The imprisonment of the devil will result in a lessening of sins. When the gates of Jannah are opened, its cool breeze reaches the hearts of the believers and urges them to increase their devotion. The transformative potential of Ramadan is contingent upon an individual's dedication and commitment to change, as it can either assist or challenge one's journey toward self-improvement.
Engaging in Tahajjud prayer throughout Ramadan is more than a display of devotion; it serves as a means for seeking forgiveness, blessings, and guidance in this sacred month. This spiritual journey is embarked upon by those aspiring to deepen their connection with Allah, acknowledging the profound significance of the silent hours when the world sleeps, and the soul becomes receptive to divine connection. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentions: “Whoever spends its nights in prayer during the night of decree out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven” (Bukhari 1901). The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم advocated for nightly prayers like tahajjud during Ramadan, explicitly tied it to the pardoning of sins. The unique window offered by suḥūr time in Ramadan provides a golden opportunity to establish the habit of tahajjud, seamlessly integrating prayers into daily routines. Tahajjud not only nurtures personal development but also lays the groundwork for collective resilience and vision within the ummah.
In essence, Ramadan emerges as a pivotal period for transformative change, drawing Muslims worldwide into a sacred journey of spiritual rejuvenation. As we anticipate the arrival of this blessed month, it encourages us to heal our souls from the year-long struggle against personal desires and to distance ourselves from worldly attachments, fostering a profound connection with Allah. The path to change lies open for those willing to embrace it wholeheartedly