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By: Alimah Khadijah Patel, IPC Jame Masjid Sisters/Youth Councillor

Alhamdulillah all praises be to Allah  who has allowed us to see this beautiful month of Rajab. It is a month revered for its spiritual significance and divine blessings, as it is a month of preparation, a month of seeking forgiveness, and a special night amongst this blessed month.


It is narrated by Anas Ibn Malik (RA) said, that the Messenger of Allah () used to make the following duaa, when the month of Rajab came in: اَللّٰهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَناَ فِيْ رَجَبٍ وَشَعْبانَ وَبَلّغْنَا رَمَضَانْ

Oh Allah! Grant us Barakah during (the months of) Rajab and Sha’ban and allow us to reach Ramadan.”


A Month of Preparation: Rajab serves as a month of preparation to the holy month of Ramadan, a time when we intensify our spiritual efforts. It is an opportunity for introspection and preparation, as we ready our hearts for the upcoming month of fasting, prayer, and increased devotion. Allamah Suyuti in Jami’ Saghir mentions that Hasan Basri reports that the Messenger of Allah () said, “Rajab is the month of Allah. Shaban is my month. Ramadhan is the month of my ummah”. This Hadith highlights Rajab as a time for seeking forgiveness and turning to Allah in repentance. In this month we should do our utmost best to increase in our deeds. We should start praying more Nafl prayers, recite more Quran, do more Dhikr and increase in our charity. If there are sisters who have Qadha fasts to make up, then this is a great time to make up those Qadha fasts.


The Month of Allah’s Mercy & A Special Night of Rajab: Rajab is often referred to as the "Month of Allah's Mercy." It serves as a reminder of Allah's limitless compassion and forgiveness. We are encouraged to intensify our efforts in seeking Allah's mercy. Rajab is adorned with a blessed night, which is Laylat al-Miraj, the Night of Ascension. It commemorates the miraculous journey of the Prophet Muhammad () to the seven heavens. During this journey the Prophet () received the 5 daily prayers as a gift from Allah (). We should increase our worship throughout this month and not only during this night. There are beliefs within some communities that this night and day holds a significant reward, however there is nothing from the Qur’an or Sunnah which confirms this as true.


Astaghfaar and Repentance: During Rajab, engaging in frequent Astaghfaar (seeking forgiveness) is highly recommended. Repenting for our past shortcomings and seeking Allah's pardon allows us to purify our hearts and souls. We don’t know when our time of death will come so we should constantly be reciting Astaghfaar and asking Allah for repentance. During these blessed months of Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan we should increase in our Dhikr and asking for Allah’s forgiveness.


Rajab is not merely a bridge to Ramadan, it is a sacred time filled with opportunities for spiritual growth, forgiveness, and divine connection. As we immerse ourselves in the blessings of this month, may our hearts be illuminated, and may we emerge spiritually rejuvenated, ready to welcome the holy month of Ramadan with open hearts and souls. May Allah allow us the ability to reap the benefits of these sacred months and allow us to reach Ramadan in the best of Imaan and health. Aameen


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته In the spirit of generosity and compassion, the Islamic Propagation Centre (IPC) Jame Masjid Mississauga has achieved a remarkable feat in the past year by raising a substantial $446,107.40 in donations for the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF). As a non-profit Canadian registered charity, IDRF collaborates with partners worldwide to implement relief and development programs targeting vulnerable populations.

The heartfelt contributions from the IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga community have made a significant impact on the lives of Muslims facing adversity in various parts of the world. The donated funds were directed towards providing crucial assistance in regions such as Gaza, Libya, Morocco, India, Syria, Pakistan, Türkiye, Sri Lanka, and many more. This collective effort has helped uplift our Muslim brothers and sisters, providing relief and hope during challenging times.

The funds raised by IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga played a pivotal role in ensuring that communities had access to basic necessities during sacred occasions such as Ramadhan and the two Eids. Through the community's support, fresh water and food were distributed to those facing scarcity, allowing for inclusive and joyous celebrations irrespective of challenging circumstances.

Additionally, the donated funds were instrumental in aiding survivors of earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. The community's proactive response during emergencies, including ongoing issues in Palestine, showcases a commitment to providing immediate relief and contributing to long-term development.

We extend our deepest gratitude to every individual within the IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga community who contributed to this impactful initiative. Your generosity has not only alleviated immediate crises but has also sown seeds for positive, lasting change in the lives of countless individuals. Below a PDF has been attached with the entire report of the impact made by IPC and the community.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala shower His mercy upon the entire Ummah, especially those who contributed to such an amazing cause. Grant strength to those who are facing difficulties and challenges, and may our collective efforts continue to bring relief and positive change to the lives of those in need. Āmīn.

IDRF Impact Report - IPC
Download PDF • 3.59MB


My Winter Break


Written By: Shahrukh Khan Grade 5, Full Time Hifdh Student


Winter break was amazing! We had sessions of dodgeball and soccer, and nothing beats sipping hot chocolate. These 2 weeks were filled with creativity and fun as we also had arts and crafts where we made snowflakes, snow globes that sparkled, and igloos made from cotton balls.


One of the highlights was hosting Br Mohamed Hoblos on December 29, 2023, at our Masjid followed by an overnight youth program. During the Br Hoblos program, we learnt a lot from him as we were able to have him for two sessions in one day Alhamdulillah. After his program had ended after Salah, we had an overnight youth program. The highlight of this overnight program was our visit to the Paramount Center.


We played Soccer and tag as well as basketball during the winter break, the youth program and on regular school days which is a lot of fun! After returning to the Masjid from Paramount, we prayed Salah. Academics were also a part of winter camp where we learnt Islamic studies that we hadn’t learn before. The academics we did in winter camp were not like regular academics and it was useful Islamic knowledge.


Smores became a delicious snack during our winter break. The warm fire, the gooey marshmallows, and the sweet taste of chocolate created a perfect winter treat. Our hot chocolate took a creative turn, first with small marshmallows, then with some large marshmallows.


Jazak Allah to the Masjid’s management team, the teachers, and volunteers for holding the winter camp program as well as the Br Mohammed Hoblos program. It was a very fun two-week break!


IPC Jame'Masjid Mississauga Jamaat Timings Yearly Calender March 20211024_1.jpg

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"Surely he only shall tend the mosques of Allah who has believed in Allah and the Last Day, and kept up the prayer, and brought the Zakat, and is apprehensive of none except Allah; so, it may be that those will be among the rightly-guided."                    
                __  Surat At-Tawbah (9:18)

Jame Masjid Mississauga

Jame Masjid Mississauga

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