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Updated: Feb 24, 2022

AsSalamu alaikum wa Rehmatullahi wa Baraktuhu.

In’Sha’Allah every Saturday we will have Youth Lecture after Isha at 7:45PM in Masjid by Mufti Abdullah Mohammad for 45 Minutes.

All ages are welcome to Join this Program

You can also Join this Program via Masjid Youtube and Facebook Page starting at 8:00PM every Saturday

We are delighted to Introduce our new hire Youth Director/Junior Imam Mufti Abdullah Mohammad who is in his late 20's.

He was born in Toronto and brought up in Cambridge, Ontario. He started studying the Deen at a young age.

He studied for 4 years at younger age in South Africa at Madrassa Arabia Islamia, Azaadville. After four years he returned to Canada and studied another four years to complete his Alim course at Al Ashraf academy, Scarborough. He later travelled to Pakistan to specialize in Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) at Jamia Imdaadia, Faisalabad.

He is married with two children and he enjoy playing and watching basketball.

His passion is learning and teaching Islam. He especially enjoy teaching youth and children.

Based on new provincial announcement of religious places can open with 50% Capacity.

In’Sha’Allah our doors for attendees for Jummah Prayers and all 5 Salaats of the day are open without registrations.

We request you to come with Wudu, Prayer Mat and Mask.

We request if you are sick with fever, cough and cold, please DO NOT come to Masjid.

May Allah SWT continue to protect us from this pandemic, we pray that Allah SWT bless us with best of Duniya and Aakhirah.

Jazak’Allah Khairun.

Waseem Ahmed

President, IPC

On Behalf of Imams, Management and Trustees.


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