Written By: Aalimah Khadijah Patel, Teacher, IPC
Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam and holds a central place in the life of every Muslim. It is a direct connection between Allah (SWT) and us (his slaves), offering an opportunity to strengthen our faith, purify our souls, and seek guidance from Him throughout the day. We are so busy in our day-to-day life that we tend to overlook the bounties given to us by Allah (SWT) and often neglect our Salah.
1. Why is Salah Important?
1) It is an obligation upon us, commanded by Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: “And establish Salah and give Zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]." (Quran 2:43). Salah was a gift from Allah (SWT) to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Ummah.
2) Salah allows us to take a break from our busy lives and communicate directly with Allah (SWT). While we are in Salah, reciting Surah Al Fatiha, we are asking Allah to guide us and show us mercy. Not only are we making duaa for ourselves but rather we are asking Allah to show us the right path and allow us to be obedient to Him only.
3) Performing Salah five times a day keeps us grounded and allows us to truly reflect on what our purpose is in this world. That purpose is to worship Allah (SWT) alone, follow his commandments and the teaching of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). If we hold firm onto what our Prophet has taught us, then surely, we will reap the fruits of our labor in the hereafter and gain a spot in Jannatul Firdous. Aameen
2. Spiritual and Psychological Benefits
1) Cleansing of our soul: Salah helps us to cleanse our soul by removing the stains of our sins from our hearts and helps keep the heart clean. The Prophet (SAW) said, “If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any dirt left on him?" The companions said, "No dirt would be left." The Prophet (PBUH) said, "That is the example of the five prayers by which Allah removes sins." (Bukhari & Muslim) Salah not only cleanses our soul spiritually but making wudhu prior to Salah cleanses us physically.
2) Relieves stress: Anytime we are in stress, we turn to Allah (SWT), and we ask him to help us. Salah will help us connect to Allah directly, while relieving our anxiety, stress, and worries especially in the act of Sujood which humbles us.
3) Time Management: Salah allows us a disciplined and structured schedule so that we are always aware that we have to worship our creator and structure our day around the Salah times rather than structuring our Salah during our day.
3. Rewards of Salah
1) Protection from sins: Salah helps us keep grounded and allows us to keep away from sinning. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an: "Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing..." (Quran 29:45)
2) Immense Reward in the Hereafter: Salah will be the first compulsory act that we will be questioned about on the Day of Judgement. If we are consistent with our Salah, pray on time, with correct postures, concentration, and humility, then In Sha Allah the reward will be great in the Hereafter.
4. Practical Tips to Improve One’s Salah
1) Set Reminders: Use alarms or apps to ensure you pray on time. Nothing matters in this world more than pleasing Allah (SWT).
2) Learn the Meaning: Understanding what you are saying in Salah allows one’s focus to enhance and Salah becomes much more than an act of prayer. It allows one to truly reflect on what they are saying and asking from Allah (SWT)
May Allah allow us to prioritize Salah, understand its importance and allow us to pray on time with humility and concentration. May Allah keep us steadfast on Salah until our final breath and take us from this world with Imaan, in the state of Sujood in Salah. Aameen.