Assalamu alaikum, while we are sad to see the end of the blessed month of Ramadhan, we are happy to be able to experience the end of the recitation of the Holy Qur'an for this month. Please join us for Salaat al-Taraweeh followed by Duah.
We expect the masjid to be full, so please come early, come with wudhu, and bring your own prayer mats in case you do not get a space inside.
Please be respectful of the volunteers, Imams, Management/Trustees, security and your fellow Musalli's - be patient, park properly (we have LOTS of parking in the complex and in the Paramount lot connected via the Hydro lands path), and most of all, do not lose your good deeds from Ramadhan by engaging in abuse - verbal, emotional, or physical.
Isha is at 9:30pm, come early to get a good spot!