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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

We hope everyone is well and in the best state of imaan and health.

As Imam Nafis stated in Jummah this past week, InshāAllāh this Tuesday there will be an important meeting regarding new opportunities for expansion within our complex here at IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga.

IPC Jame Masjid Mississauga's old building was purchased in 1991 and was paid off by 1994. Half of the parking lot was purchased between 1994 and 1996. Once that was completed, we had no reason for expansion, but in 2008, we purchased the remaining land where the new masjid now sits.

Now, as the masjid grows even more, it is necessary to expand our masjid once again. We have a great opportunity to purchase two buildings within the complex. We need to ask the community how we can acquire these two buildings and what we can do with them.

So, we ask the community to come on Tuesday, May 28th, after Asr (6:45PM) in the banquet hall for an important meeting.


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