Assalam Alaikum - the moon sighting has been confirmed by the Hilal Council of Canada and Ramadhan has now ended, and tomorrow Friday April 21st, will be the 1st of Shawwal. Eid Mubarak!
In sha Allah IPC Jame Masjid will hold Eid salaat at Paramount Centre (Indoor Soccer fields) on Friday April 21st. Here is the timing for Eid Salaats:
- 7:00 - Hf Abdul Qayyom (held in the Masjid)
- 915 - Imam Nafis
- 1030 - Bayaan - Hf Akber, Salaat Mufti Amer
- 1130 - Hf Sarmad
The bayaan (speech) will start 30 minutes before the prayer so please arrive early.
Please come with wudhu and bring your own prayer mats! Eid Mubarak to you and your families!